Lighting up the education sector with effective luminaires guaranteeing visual comfort
In the education sector, lighting must meet a long list of recommendations to ensure the well-being and safety of children. Sammode solutions guarantee comfortable, effective and solid LED solutions for school and university lighting. A well-lit environment that helps pupils concentrate and learn from nursery school to university.
Lighting is a key factor when improving the quality of the learning environment for children. This is particularly true in classrooms where 80% of the information passed on is transmitted visually. According to regulations, to ensure the visual comfort of children, at least 300 lux of lighting must be provided in classrooms and 500 lux around black/whiteboards. Sammode can offer extremely comfortable lighting solutions for educational areas. With UGR≤ 19, our Brueghel luminaire and its glare-free low-luminance louvre can guarantee top-notch visual comfort to help improve concentration. Benson or Pissaro type ceiling lights with louvres provide pleasant diffuse lighting, which is ideal for libraries, information and documentation centres, and reading areas.
The lighting in rooms dedicated to practical work must be particularly strong when compared with traditional classrooms (500-750 lux). Effective and suitable lighting is necessary when handling machines and performing precision tasks, to guarantee the visual comfort of both students and teachers. Our lighting solutions create the ideal luminous environment in these workshops and practical work rooms. Opt for abundant lighting compatible with comfortable close-up working conditions with no eye fatigue. The Brueghel tubular luminaire with a CRI of 90 to ensure perfect colour vision is ideal for painting or sewing workshops, and can be fitted directly on the ceiling or suspended.
Schools and universities are busy places, particularly corridors and staircases. Corridor and staircase lighting must be able to withstand any impacts in a crowd of students buzzing between classes. Above all, lighting in these areas must meet the requirements of accessibility standards for buildings open to the public and provide lighting at 100 lux in corridors and 150 lux in staircases. Our ceiling and wall light solutions can withstand impacts (IK10) and vandalism. They can also be equipped with a built-in presence detector for optimal lighting management and to reduce operating costs. Our emergency lighting solutions (BAES, EVAC) can provide guidance during an evacuation and ensure a harmonious interior design throughout the building.
School canteens and cafeterias are busy places for people to hang about and chat and must provide a friendly environment at lunch time. Lighting can add to the atmosphere in catering and service areas, ensuring they remain comfortable and cosy. Sammode can offer professional designer industrial luminaires from the food industry for your dining halls and kitchens. Users can benefit from a great combination of design and performance, not forgetting visual comfort. Opt for ceiling lights such as the Pissaro or Belleville to provide abundant and pleasant lighting in the cafeteria. A satin-finish tubular luminaire such as the Géricault can offer diffuse lighting for technical areas facing extreme conditions.
Large open spaces such as amphitheatres, auditoriums and conference rooms require powerful luminaires with on-demand control systems to create different lighting scenarios to meet all needs. The Brueghel direct/indirect luminaire is a flexible and comfortable option for a raised platform. Lecturers will be able to read their notes without affecting the contents projected onto the screen thanks to a semi-subdued atmosphere on the audience side. The pale body Benson adds an industrial touch to the room with a genuine designer light signature.
It must be possible to carefully manage the light in play areas and multipurpose spaces in crèches to avoid blinding the infants. Dynamic tunable white lighting can be used in these activity areas. These lighting solutions can cycle from cold white to warm white to imitate natural daylight and adapt to the children’s circadian rhythm. The lighting fitted in gymnasiums and sports halls in middle and high schools must meet other requirements. In particular, such luminaires must be able to light up large open areas with diffuse lighting. Sammode ceiling lights and suspended light fittings (Turner, Géricault) can withstand impacts (IK10) and humidity (IP66, 68, 69K) while guaranteeing efficient lighting in sports complexes.
Lighting in the outdoor areas around schools and universities must create a safe environment for both students and teachers. A clear line of lights must mark out the access route to the school and assist people with finding their way around. Our luminaires are sturdy, well-sealed and protected from impacts, vandalism, bad weather and UV radiation with no premature ageing. Our directional wall lights such as the Scorel meet the applicable standards and do not emit light above 180° (ULR = 0%) to limit light pollution. The Scorel can be combined with a presence detector or light sensor and switch on only when necessary.
For more than 90 years, Sammode and Hoffmeister have set great store by design and innovation. The design of our luminaires gives them a unique status in the world of architecture. When you choose our luminaires, you opt for lighting with authentic and lasting design values.
Our high-quality components guarantee exceptional performance in terms of both lighting efficiency and service life. Our integrated optical systems ensure office spaces are always well lit, without glare. All this makes our luminaires some of the most efficient, comfortable and long-lasting on the market.
We can boast real industrial strengths, and manufacture all our luminaires in France and Germany, with excellence as our constant objective. Durability is our core value, which is why we design and manufacture reliable, repairable and upgradable solutions.
Dimensions, installation systems, colour options for finishes, optical accessories... there are so many customisation options open to you. As designers and manufacturers, based exclusively in France and Germany, we can adapt our luminaires to your projects and offer bespoke solutions just for you.
ø70 Ceiling light fitting for directional lighting, clear housing
Ceiling light fitting for directional lighting, ø100 and 133 clear housing
ø100 and 133 Low glare ceiling light fitting
ø70 Ceiling / Wall light fitting for diffuse lighting
Ceiling light fitting with longitudinal louvre ø100
Ø100 and 133 Pendant low glare direct/indirect light fitting
Ceiling light fitting for directional lighting, ø100 and 133 clear housing
ø100 and 133 Low glare ceiling light fitting
ø70 Ceiling light fitting for directional lighting, clear housing
ø70 Ceiling / Wall light fitting for diffuse lighting
Ceiling light fitting with longitudinal louvre ø100
Ø100 and 133 Pendant low glare direct/indirect light fitting